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NVRAMOS 2009 Spring

Operating System Support for
Next Generation Large Scale NVRAM

Organized by KIISE,    April 23 - 25, 2009, Jeju, Korea

Call for Papers and Presentations

This workshop consists of invited lecture sessions, paper presentation sessions, and DAMO (Join together) session. Followings are call for papers (for paper presentation session) and call for presentations (for DAMO session).

1. Call for Papers

Suggestion of interesting ideas or leading hardware/software technologies, new experiments and analysis results related to next generation nonvolatile memory and flash memory are welcome but topics are not limited to these.

The manuscript should be an extended abstract in PDF formant (two column, single space, and maximum 4 pages length). If you have questions about paper submission, please do not hesitate to contact to Professor Jongmoo Choi (choijm@dankook.ac.kr).

2. Call for Abstracts

The meaning of DAMO session is “join together.” Attend DAMO session and meet people in our field! This session is excellent place to meet experts in the NVRAM area and to show yourself up to your peers. This is very informal session. This session is open to all workshop participants. We will have very informal, casual but in-depth discussion. We are accepting proposal for discussion topic for the DAMO session (Gong Show presentation). The topic presentation time is limited to 5 minutes. The submission deadline of Gong Show presentation is April 3, 2009. For further question, please contact Sangwon Lee via email (swlee@skku.edu).

3. Important Dates