News: April 9, 2019 Website is open.


The 1st International Workshop on File and Storage Systems (FISS 2019) is a forum where storage system researchers, practitioners, and students can meet, interact and collaborate with colleagues around the world. FISS 2019 will be held at KAIST Daejeon campus in Korea from May 9th to 10th, 2019. Especially, this year technical program consists of invited speakers in the field of computer systems. This includes operating systems, storage systems, computer architecture, cloud computing, and security and privacy. FISS’19 is organized by The Special Interest Group on File and Storage Systems of Korea Institute of Information Science and Engineers (SIGFAST@KIISE).

Important Dates

  • Workshop: May 9(Thursday)-10(Friday), 2019


The Special Interest Group on File and Storage Systems of Korea Institute of Information Science and Engineers (SIGFAST@ KIISE)