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Operating System Support for
Next Generation Large Scale NVRAM

Organized by KIISE SIGFAST & Computer Systems Society,
Oct. 24 - Oct. 26, 2024


This year's program is as follows.

Oct 24 (Thu): Lotus Hall 12
Time Subject Speaker
14:00 - 14:20 Welcome Reception
Session I
14:20 - 15:00 White-Box Optimization Approaches for Ultra Large-Capacity NAND Flash-Based SSDs Jisung Park, POSTECH
15:00 - 15:40 Can Learned Indexes be Built Efficiently? A Deep Dive into Sampling Trade-offs Jongmoo Choi, Dankook Univ.
15:40 - 16:00 Break
Session II
16:00 - 16:40 We Ain't Afraid of No File Fragmentation: Causes and Prevention of Its Performance Impact on Modern Flash SSDs Euiseong Seo, Sungkyunkwan Univ.
16:40 - 17:20 The Direction of SKHynix Solution in the Memory Centric Era
(Memory Centric 시대의 SKHynix Solution의 방향)
Junghyun Joh, SK Hynix
17:20 - 17:50 Opening Ceremony
SIGFAST Test-of-Time Paper Awards Ceremony*
OpenSSD Best Practice Award

Oct 25 (Fri): Lotus Hall 12
Time Subject Speaker
Session III
     ~    - 09:30 Breakfast (Provided by NVRAMOS)
10:00 - 10:40 ScaleCache: A Scalable Page Cache for Multiple Solid-State Drives Yongseok Son, Chung-Ang Univ.
10:40 - 11:20 Advanced I/O Stack for Zone-based Mobile Storage Devices Joo-Young Hwang, Samsung Electronics
11:20 - 12:00 Identifying Performance Bottlenecks of (Storage) Application with Blocked Samples Jinkyu Jeong, Yonsei Univ.
12:00 - 13:40 Lunch (Provided by NVRAMOS)
Session IV
13:40 - 14:20 The Case for DRAM Translation Layer (DTL): Enhancing Datacenter Efficiency, Reliability, and Beyond Jae W. Lee, Seoul National Univ.
14:20 - 15:00 BandSlim: A Novel Bandwidth and Space-Efficient KV-SSD with an Escape-from-Block Approach Youngjae Kim, Sogang Univ.
15:00 - 15:20 Break
Session V
15:20 - 16:00 NDPipe: Exploiting Near-data Processing for Scalable Inference and Continuous Training Sungjin Lee, DGIST
16:00 - 16:40 Accelerating String-key Learned Index Structures via Memoization-based Incremental Training Jongse Park, KAIST
16:40 - 17:10 Closing Remark
Oct 26 (Sat): Lotus Hall 12
Time Subject Speaker
09:00 - 11:30 Panel Discussion: Future of the Storage Technology

*This award was established through the generous donation of the entire prize money received by Professor Youjip Won (KAIST) and Sang-Won Lee (SNU) upon winning the Gaheon Academic Award (가헌학술상) from KIISE in 2016 and 2022, respectively.